Council Meeting

 18 December 2019


Minutes of the Council Meeting 18 December 2019

Meeting commenced at 6:32pm


Steve Christou (Mayor)


Eddy Sarkis (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor (arrived 6:34pm)

Ned Attie


George Campbell


Greg Cummings


Glenn Elmore


Paul Garrard


Ola Hamed


Kun Huang


Lisa Lake


Joseph Rahme

Councillor (arrived 6:34pm)

Suman Saha


Michael Zaiter


Tom Zreika


Hamish McNulty

General Manager

Daniel Cavallo

Director Environment & Planning

Peter Fitzgerald

Director Works & Infrastructure

Richard Sheridan

Director Finance & Governance

Nicole Byrn

Acting Director Community Development

Serbo Matic

Acting Director People & Performance


Also Present:

Charlie Ayoub

Executive Manager Corporate Services

Colin McFadzean

Legal Counsel

Carol Karaki

Governance Coordinator

Olivia Shields

Senior Governance Officer

Opening Prayer 

The opening prayer was read by Father Dimitri Kokkinos from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor, Councillor Christou opened the Meeting with the following Acknowledgement of Country:


“I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land – the Darug People, and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.”


National Anthem

At this point in the meeting the Mayor, Councillor Christou asked all of those in attendance to stand for the playing of the Australian National Anthem.

Apologies/Leave of Absence


Declarations of Pecuniary & Non Pecuniary Conflicts of Interest

Councillor Lake declared a non-pecuniary, less than significant interest in Item C12/19-343 as she has a personal friendship and political association with a resident who owns property and resides in the vicinity of the subject sites. Councillor Lake advised that her relationship with this gentleman was not so close as would cause her to put any private interests above her public duty. Therefore she remained in the Chamber for the consideration of this item.

Notice of Live Streaming of Council Meeting

The Mayor, Councillor Christou advised that the Council meeting was being streamed live on Council's website and members of the public must ensure their speech to the Council is respectful and use appropriate language.

Confirmation of Minutes


C12/19-318 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council - 4 December 2019

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council confirm the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 December 2019.



MM12/19-16 Mayoral Minute – Cumberland City Council

Resolved  (Christou)

That Council register the trading name of ‘Cumberland City Council’ with the Australian Business Registration Service and implement the new trading name across all aspects of Council business.


The Mayoral Minute on being Put to the meeting was declared CARRIED on the casting vote of the Mayor.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Christou, Garrard, Rahme, Sarkis, Zaiter                                                             and Zreika.


Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Campbell, Cummings, Elmore, Hamed,                                                             Huang, Lake and Saha.



MM12/19-17 Mayoral Minute – Direct Train Services to the City

Resolved  (Christou)

That Council write to the Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, and seek clarity on whether commuters west of Bankstown, including those using Berala and Regents Park stations will have direct train services to the city when Metro City & Southwest is introduced.



Matter of Urgency – Councillor Attie

Resolved (Attie/Sarkis)

That in accordance with Clause 9.3(b) of the Cumberland Council Code of Meeting Practice, Standing Orders be suspended to permit the Matter of Urgency in relation to the investigation of allegations made regarding the clean up of the Duck River.


7:07pm        The Mayor, Councillor Christou adjourned the Meeting during the consideration of this item.

7:11pm        The Mayor, Councillor Christou resumed the Meeting and consideration of this item continued accordingly.


Matter of Urgency – Distribution of Clean up of Duck River Political Material

Resolved (Attie/Sarkis)


1.     Council as a matter of urgency investigate allegations made by members of the Auburn-Lidcombe branch of the Labor party including councillors affiliated with this organisation as to the nature of public documents in the form of emails and a press conference purporting to be lobbying Council to undertake a clean up of the Duck River.

2.     The investigation is to look at (however not limited to) the following;

a)    The alleged petition and motion that were stated to have been provided to Council.

b)    The depiction of before and after photographs that are not of the same area potentially misleading the public.

c)     The possible unauthorised use of Council property for the purposes of an organised public gathering in the form of a press conference.

d)    The details of the supposed grants that are being made available to Council as stated by the Federal Member for Blaxland Mr. Jason Clare.

e)    The nature of the meeting between Council officers and representatives of the Auburn-Lidcombe branch and outcomes.

f)      When and how many jet skis were removed from the Duck River as alleged occurred in response to the supposed campaign.

g)    Clarification of how many thousand bottles and shopping trolleys were also removed from the Duck River during this lobbied clean up schedule.


The Motion moved by Councillor Attie seconded by Councillor Sarkis on being Put was declared CARRIED on the casting vote of the Mayor.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Christou, Garrard, Rahme, Sarkis, Zaiter                                                             and Zreika.


Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Campbell, Cummings, Elmore, Hamed,                                                             Huang, Lake and Saha.



Resumption of Standing Orders

Resolved (Garrard/Rahme)

That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Council resume the normal order of business.


Public Forum:

Speakers on Items on the Council Meeting Agenda


Item #


Mr Arthur Chapman

C12/19-329 Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan


Mrs Julie Overton

C12/19-334 Development of Greystanes Skate Park


Miss Sophy Purton         

C12/19-343 Notice of Motion - Planning Proposal for 55-57 Station Street and 6 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville






Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolved (Sarkis/Rahme)

That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Council suspend standing orders to allow Items C12/19-329, C12/19-334 and C12/19-343 to be brought forward for consideration at this time of the Meeting.



C12/19-329 Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan

Resolved  (Cummings/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.     In accordance with Part 4, Division 3, Section 31 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation:

a.  Adopt the draft Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan with noted minor changes, and that the plan be further referred to as the Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020;

b.  Give public notice within 28 days of its decision that the Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020 comes into effect from 15 January 2020;

2.     Note that the application of ‘existing plans’ is to be superseded by the Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020 for any new development applications, planning proposals or voluntary planning agreement offers received from 15 January 2020;

3.     Note that Cumberland officers are liaising with City of Parramatta officers to repeal all ‘existing plans’, when all land within the boundaries of those plans no longer apply; and

4.     Review the Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, with a further report to Council by June 2023.

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Rahme, Saha,                                                             Sarkis and Zaiter.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Zreika.




C12/19-334 Development of Greystanes Skate Park

Resolved  (Sarkis/Zaiter)

That Council defer this matter for further information to be received.



C12/19-343 Notice of Motion - Planning Proposal for 55-57 Station Street and 6 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville

Resolved  (Attie/Rahme)

That Council:

1.  Prepare a planning proposal for 55-57 Station Street and 6 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville, with the following built form and additional permitted use controls:

a)  Floor Space Ratio control of 3:1 on the entire site;

b)  Height of building control of 41 metres on 55 - 57 Station Street and 17 and 23 metres on 6 Pritchard Street; and

c)  Introduce a 100m2 gymnasium as an additional permitted use for the site.

2.  Endorse that the planning proposal for 55-57 Station Street and 6 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville, be forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a Gateway Determination.

3.  Prepare a Development Control Plan to provide further planning controls for the site, should a Gateway Determination be received.

4.  Prepare a Voluntary Planning Agreement to derive public benefit, should a Gateway Determination be received.

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Christou, Garrard, Hamed, Rahme,                                                             Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.


Councillor(s) Against the Motion:           Campbell, Cummings, Elmore, Huang, Lake                                                             and Saha.


Councillor Sarkis left the Meeting at 7:30pm and returned to the Meeting at 7:32pm during the consideration of this item.





Resumption of Standing Orders

Resolved (Attie/Sarkis)

That in accordance with Clause 8.2 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Council resume the normal order of business.



Items by Exception

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

At this time of the meeting, all items on the agenda not called for discussion were moved collectively, as shown:


That item numbers C12/19-319, C12/19-320, C12/19-322, C12/19-323, C12/19-324, C12/19-325, C12/19-330, C12/19-331, C12/19-333, C12/19-335, C12/19-336, C12/19-338, C12/19-340, C12/19-344, C12/19-345 and C12/19-346 be moved in bulk.



C12/19-319 Legal Report

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council receive this report.



C12/19-320 Investment Report - November 2019

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council receive the November 2019 Investment Report.



C12/19-322 Adoption of Risk Management Policy - Post Exhibition

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council adopt the Risk Management Policy as outlined in Attachment 1 of this report.



C12/19-323 Adoption of Draft Long Day Care Centre Fees and Charges - Post Exhibition

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council adopt the Draft Long Day Care Centre Fees and Charges (January 2020 to June 2020) as outlined in this report.




C12/19-324 Cumberland Sponsorship Program 2019/20

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:


1.     Sponsor Precedent Productions Pty Limited (ABN 35 052 469 799) to deliver the Cumberland Local Business Awards 2020 and allocate $25,000 from the 2019/20 Cumberland Sponsorship Program budget.

2.     Advise applicants of sponsorship allocations under the 2019/20 Cumberland Sponsorship Program and provide feedback and support to the unsuccessful applicant.



C12/19-325 Response to Mayoral Minute – Enhancement of Business and Employment Opportunities in Cumberland

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council receive and note the information contained in this report.



C12/19-330 Adoption of Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Guideline - Post Exhibition

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council adopt the Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Guideline.



C12/19-331 Submission on the Draft Place-Based Infrastructure Compact for the Greater Parramatta to Olympic Peninsula Area

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.   Endorse the draft submission in Attachment 1 and forward to the Greater Sydney Commission; and

2.   Delegate the General Manager to finalise the draft submission, including any minor typographical or editorial changes.



C12/19-333 Response to Notice of Motion - Melita Stadium and Everley Park Works

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council receive and note the contents of the report.



C12/19-335 Response to Matter of Urgency - Dumping of Trolleys from Pemulwuy Shopping Centre

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.  Re-install the steel bollards at the intersection of pedestrian walkway and Driftway Drive, Pemulwuy.

2.  Install two hooped bike racks on the pedestrian walkway, Western side of the Allan G Ezzy Community Centre.



C12/19-336 Response to Notice of Motion - Naming Proposal Mona Park Sportsground 3

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council rename Mona Park Sportsground 3 to Michael John Wood Oval.



C12/19-338 Cumberland Traffic Committee - Minutes of Electronic Meeting held on 28 November 2019

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That the minutes of the Cumberland Traffic Committee electronic meeting held on 28 November 2019 be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved.


C12/19-340 Nominations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee 2020 - 2021

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.     Adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee to increase the number of community representatives to sixteen (included in Attachment 1).

2.     Adopt the community representatives listed in the report for membership on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee for 2020-2021.

3.     Advise all applicants in writing of the outcome of their nomination for membership.

4.     Receive the Draft Minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee held in November 2019 (included in Attachment 2).





C12/19-344 Tender Evaluation Report - Security Services

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council in accordance with Clause 178 (1)(b) and Clause 178(3)(b) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, decline all tenders and call fresh tenders based on different details, as the tender scope will be updated following restructured service provisions and works to be undertaken on Council’s CCTV and security infrastructure services.



C12/19-345 Tender Evaluation Report - Neil Street Merrylands - Road and Drainage Works

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.            Accept the Tender Evaluation Panel’s recommendation to award the contract for Neil Street Merrylands – Road and Drainage Works to Statewide Civil Pty Ltd, ABN 80 112 558 513, in accordance with Clause 178(1)(a) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005, for the amount of $4,925,386.00 (excluding GST) as the most advantageous and best value offer received.

2.   Delegate to the General Manager the authority to execute the contract and any associated documents.



C12/19-346 Tender Evaluation Report - Granville Park Community Sports Pavilion - Construction

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.  Declines to accept any of the tenders in accordance with Clause 178(1) (b) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005.

2.  In accordance with Clause 178(3) (e) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005, resolve to enter into negotiations with Belmadar Pty Ltd and Patterson Building Group Pty Ltd with the view to entering into a contract in relation to the subject matter of the tender.

3.  In accordance with Clause 178(4)(a) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005, Council’s reasons for declining to invite fresh tenders or applications is because the scope of work (Pavilion) has not changed and fresh tenders are unlikely to result in a better outcome for Council and will cause substantial delays to the project.

4.  In accordance with Clause 178(4)(b) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005, Council’s reasons for determining to enter into negotiations with the person or persons listed in (2) are to establish a solution that includes a best and final offer with a view to entering into a contract in relation to the subject matter of the tender.

5.  Delegate to the General Manager the authority to proceed with the negotiations and report to Council the outcome of the negotiations.



C12/19-321 Rates Harmonisation Update - December 2019

Motion (Cummings/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.     Note the information and options presented in the report.

2.     Commence community consultation on option 2 in the report.


Amendment (Zaiter/Saha)

That Council:

1.     Note the information and options presented in the report.

2.     Commence community consultation regarding the following two combination of options, noting these options would require IPART approval:

i)    Option 1: 5 year transition with the application of a minimum rate and Option 5: Increase in the rate cap over 5 years by $10m.

ii)   Option 1: 5 year transition with the application of a minimum rate and Option 3: Harmonisation of rates over 5 years.

3.     Advocate to the Minister for Local Government in relation to this matter, and organise a deputation to the Ministers Office along with other Council’s in the same position as Cumberland.    

4.     Ensure the consultation is available in various languages.


The Amendment moved by Councillor Zaiter seconded by Councillor Saha on being Put was declared CARRIED on the voices.


The Amendment moved by Councillor Zaiter seconded by Councillor Saha then became the motion.


The motion moved by Councillor Zaiter seconded by Councillor Saha on being Put was declared CARRIED to become the resolution of Council (as shown in the amendment).

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Rahme, Saha,                                                             Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.  


Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Nil



C12/19-322 Adoption of Risk Management Policy - Post Exhibition

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-323 Adoption of Draft Long Day Care Centre Fees and Charges - Post Exhibition

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-324 Cumberland Sponsorship Program 2019/20

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-325 Response to Mayoral Minute – Enhancement of Business and Employment Opportunities in Cumberland

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-326  Proposed Other Land Use Based Development Controls and Other Matters for Inclusion in the New Cumberland Development Control Plan

Resolved  (Elmore/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.           Endorse the planning approach to controls for other land use based development in the Cumberland area, as provided in Attachment 1 with the following amendments:


a)    Addition to the planning controls for places of public worship (page 3):

Specific DCP controls for places of public worship in permissible industrial zones, including:

        Car parking rates to be calculated either as 1 space per 12 sqm of Gross Floor Area or 1 space per 4 people, with higher rate to be applied whereby the location of the place of public worship does not have any residential accommodation permitted:

(a) in a zone adjacent to the proposed development

(b) abutting against the proposed development
(c) on the opposite side of the roadway
(d) the majority of services are conducted outside normal business hours

        Any reduction in required car parking rates (eg. off-site parking, public transport) may be considered on merit, dependent on site conditions, location and nature of proposed operation

        Maximum 50% site coverage and a minimum of 25% of the site to have landscaping, with a minimum 50% of the front setback area to be landscaped


b)    Removal of the below points regarding childcare centres on page 6, and rely on SEPP provisions for car parking:

        Car parking rates for centres located within 800 metres of a train service or within 400 metres of a high frequency bus service to be 1 space per 10 children and 1 space per 2 staff

        Car parking rates for centres located outside 800 metres of a train service or outside 400 metres of high frequency bus service to be 1 space per 4 children and 1 space per 1 staff

2.     Endorse the planning approach for identified miscellaneous planning controls in the Cumberland area, as provided in Attachment 2, with the following amendment:

c)     Amend the 1:1 tree replacement offset to be a 2:1 tree replacement offset.

3.     Endorse the carryover of precinct controls for a further location covered under existing Development Control Plans in the Cumberland area, as provided in Attachment 3.

4.     Note that the above items will be included in the draft Cumberland Development Control Plan.

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Rahme, Saha,                                                             Sarkis and Zaiter.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Zreika.

Councillors Cummings and Zaiter left the Meeting at 8:23pm and returned to the Meeting at 8:26pm during the consideration of this item.



C12/19-327 New Cumberland Development Control Plan – Draft Chapter for Part A Introduction and General Controls

Resolved  (Attie/Elmore)

That Council:

1.  Endorse the draft chapter for Part A Introduction and General Controls, as provided in Attachment 1, for inclusion in the draft Cumberland Development Control Plan.

2.  Delegate to the General Manager the authorisation to make minor revisions to the draft chapter, as necessary, following Council’s deliberations, to ensure the desired objectives and intended outcomes can be achieved.

3.  Consult with the community on the draft chapter, following endorsement of all chapters of the draft Cumberland Development Control Plan by Council.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Rahme, Saha,                                                             Sarkis and Zaiter.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Zreika.

Councillor Rahme left the Meeting at 8:28pm during the consideration of this item.



C12/19-328 New Cumberland Development Control Plan – Draft Chapter for Part B Development in the Residential Zones

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council:

1.  Endorse the draft chapter for Part B Development in the Residential Zones, as provided in Attachment 1, for inclusion in the draft Cumberland Development Control Plan.

2.  Delegate to the General Manager the authorisation to make minor revisions to the draft chapter, as necessary, following Council’s deliberations, to ensure the desired objectives and intended outcomes can be achieved.

3.  Consult with the community on the draft chapter, following endorsement of all chapters of the draft Cumberland Development Control Plan by Council.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:

Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Saha, Sarkis                                                     and Zaiter.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Zreika.



C12/19-329 Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-330 Adoption of Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Guideline - Post Exhibition

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.


C12/19-331 Submission on the Draft Place-Based Infrastructure Compact for the Greater Parramatta to Olympic Peninsula Area

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-332 Review of Policies on Affordable Housing and Planning Proposal Notification

Resolved  (Attie/Sarkis)

That Council re-adopt the Interim Affordable Housing Policy and Planning Proposal Notification Policy.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Rahme, Saha,                                                             Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Nil

Councillor Rahme returned to the Meeting at 8:30pm during the consideration of this item.



C12/19-333 Response to Notice of Motion - Melita Stadium and Everley Park Works

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-334 Development of Greystanes Skate Park

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-335 Response to Matter of Urgency - Dumping of Trolleys from Pemulwuy Shopping Centre

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-336 Response to Notice of Motion - Naming Proposal Mona Park Sportsground 3

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.





C12/19-337 Oriole Park BaseBall Club Building

Resolved  (Garrard/Attie)

That Council:

1.     Undertake an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to identify potential future uses for the Oriole Park Baseball Club Building

2.     Undertake an inspection of the facility.



C12/19-338 Cumberland Traffic Committee - Minutes of Electronic Meeting held on 28 November 2019

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-339 Cumberland Heritage Committee - Nominations and Terms of Reference for 2020-21 Term

Resolved  (Lake/Hamed)

That Council:

1.     Accept the five nominations to the Cumberland Heritage Committee and invite these nominees to become members of the Committee for the 2020-21 term.

2.     Seek an Indigenous representative for the Cumberland Heritage Committee from Council’s ATSIC Committee for the 2020-21 term, accept the late nomination of Mrs Dorothy Warwick and invite Mrs Warwick to become a community member of the Cumberland Heritage Committee for the 2020-21 term.

3.     Adopt the updated Terms of Reference for the Cumberland Heritage Committee subject to the following amendment:

        Paragraph 6(1) – Omit “or their delegate”

Carried Unanimously



C12/19-340 Nominations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee 2020 - 2021

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-341 Notice of Motion - Wentworthville Carpark(s)

Resolved  (Lake/Saha)

That Council Officers consider and provide a report on planning for a centralised major off-street public carpark(s) in the Wentworthville Town Centre to accommodate all-day commuter parking and timed retail/commercial parking.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Campbell, Christou, Cummings, Garrard,                                                             Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake, Saha, Sarkis,                                                   Zaiter and Zreika.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Rahme.



C12/19-342 Notice of Motion - Wentworthville Traffic

Resolved  (Lake/Saha)

That Council Officers consider and provide a report detailing indicative traffic management options that could be adopted to discourage east-west through traffic on streets south of Pritchard St East Wentworthville (namely McKern, Perry and Bennett Streets) once the full by-pass option is implemented.



C12/19-343 Notice of Motion - Planning Proposal for 55-57 Station Street and 6 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



RES12/19-5 Notice of Rescission - Representatives on the board for Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC)

Motion (Campbell/Hamed)

Pursuant to Notice, Councillors Campbell, Hamed and Lake move the following Resolution of Council 20/11/19 (Item C10/19-289) be rescinded:

That Council appoint Mayor Steve Christou along with Councillor Paul Garrard as Cumberland Council's representatives on the board for Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC) and undertake the necessary notifications.


The Rescission Motion moved by Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Hamed on being Put was declared LOST.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Rescission:            Campbell, Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake and                                                             Saha.


Councillor(s) Against the Rescission:      Attie, Christou, Cummings, Garrard, Rahme,                                                             Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.



C12/19-344 Tender Evaluation Report - Security Services

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-345 Tender Evaluation Report - Neil Street Merrylands - Road and Drainage Works

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



C12/19-346 Tender Evaluation Report - Granville Park Community Sports Pavilion - Construction

This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.



Closed Session

Resolved  (Hamed/Rahme)

At this stage of the meeting being 9:01pm, the Mayor advised that in accordance with Section 10a of the Local Government Act 1993 the meeting would move into Closed Session, with the members of the press and public excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the closed session being withheld. This action was taken as the items listed were within the following provisions under Section 10a of the Local Government Act:-

(2) The matters and information are the following:

(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Open Session

Resolved  (Hamed/Rahme)

Council returned to Open Session at 9:23pm to resolve the below Confidential Item:


C12/19-347 Cumberland Council Administration Building




C12/19-347 Cumberland Council Administration Building

Resolved  (Rahme/Zaiter)

That Council:

1.     Endorse the Granville commuter carpark site as the preferred location for a new Cumberland Council Administration Building.

2.     Amend the 2019/2020 Capital Works Program and reallocate a budget of $200,000 at the Quarter 2 Budget Review to engage external consultants to undertake preliminary conceptual built form design, costings and revised feasibility assessment of the Granville commuter carpark site.

3.     Authorise the withdrawal of $200,000 from Internal Property Reserve.

4.     Undertake an Expression of Interest process with potential developers to gauge their interest in partnering with Council for the delivery of the site to achieve the desired development outcomes.

Foreshadowed Motion (Campbell/Hamed)

That Council investigate the feasibility of incorporating the carpark and bus area on the other side of Mary St into the proposed development of the administration building at Granville as an alternative to acquiring the seven residential properties; and ascertain the willingness of the seven residential property owners to sell at market prices; and that a report on these findings be brought back to Council.

Foreshadowed Motion (Elmore/Saha)

That Council:

1.     Endorse 16 Memorial Ave Merrylands site as the preferred location for a new Cumberland Council Administration Building.

2.     Amend the 2019/2020 Capital Works Program and reallocate a budget of $200,000 at the Quarter 2 Budget Review to engage external consultants to undertake preliminary conceptual built form design, costings and revised feasibility assessment of the Granville commuter carpark site.

3.     Authorise the withdrawal of $200,000 from Internal Property Reserve.

4.     Undertake an Expression of Interest process with potential developers to gauge their interest in partnering with Council for the delivery of the site to achieve the desired development outcomes.

The Motion moved by Councillor Rahme seconded by Councillor Zaiter on being Put was declared CARRIED on the casting vote of the Mayor.


A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:


Councillor(s) For the Motion:                  Attie, Christou, Garrard, Rahme, Sarkis, Zaiter                                                             and Zreika.

Councillor(s) Against the Motion:            Campbell, Cummings, Elmore, Hamed,                                                             Huang, Lake and Saha.



The Mayor, Councillor Christou closed the meeting at 9:25pm.